To apply for an EIN, click on the picture above or click here. This is one of the first steps you should complete after deciding to start your own business. You will need an EIN BEFORE opening a business checking account.
Click on the above picture or click here to visit the Ohio Dept. of Taxation. The ODOT offers a step-by-step listing for new businesses in the State of Ohio. Also, don't forget to determine if you need a vendor's license by checking this page.
You must have an OBG account with the State to pay various taxes. To register for an account, click on the above picture of click here. Common Ohio taxes include withholding tax, sales tax, & other taxes depending on the type of business. You can also register for a vendor's license (if needed) through your OBG account.
Click on the above picture or click here to view the State's Unemployment Taxation website. From this page, you can determine if you need to create an account & begin paying state unemployment. Note that you can manage and pay unemployment taxes on either the Ohio Business Gateway OR the Dept. of Job & Family Services website.
Not sure which local tax agency to report to? Click on the picture above to contact us, and we'd be happy to help! You can also click here to send us an email requesting assistance.
Also note that while townships are local tax exempt, Ohio School District Tax still may apply, depending on the locality.
Many (not all) businesses in Ohio are required to join the Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation.
Even if you are not required to join, there's benefits in doing so. Click on the picture above or click here to determine if you're liable to BWC. You will also find additional information on their website, regarding reporting for injured workers, and worksite safety.
We are currently hiring for an open temporary position for tax season. Position will begin January 2nd until April 15th.
This person will be working from 9:00 a.m. M-F until ? (time flexible). Duties include answering phones, greeting clients, filing, and other front office duties.
Email questions and interest to for further information.